Does this theme support features X and Y?

« See all FAQs for Socialize: Multi-Purpose BuddyPress Theme

Does this theme support features X and Y?

I get asked if the theme has the following features quite a lot, so I’ve compiled a list of what the theme does and does not include. Theme’s don’t typically include these feature, what you usually do is use the theme you want and then use plugins which include these features:

- The theme does not include paid membership access or member specific access, you will need to use a plugin such as s2Member.

- The theme does not allow users to submit posts from the front end, you will need to use a plugin such as User Submitted Posts.

- The theme allows users to post status updates and comments from the front end using the BuddyPress plugin.

- Users can include images and videos in their status updates using plugins like BuddyPress Activity Plus or rtMedia.

- Users cannot upload photo albums you will need to use a BuddyPress gallery plugin.


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