Medsy - React Medicine Ecommerce Template with Google sheet & Next JS.

Medsy - React Medicine Ecommerce Template with Google sheet & Next JS.

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Start your business with Google Sheet.
Medsy is a React Medicine Ecommerce Template with Google sheet, TypeScript & Next JS. Create your medicine store with our rich tech choice. Our super-fast E-commerce template is made to help anyone start their very own online store at ease, built with React, NextJS, Typescript & Tailwind CSS. Grow your business faster with our unified platform that is easy & quick to use. Use Google Sheet to run your business. Add your products to your google sheet -> show it in frontend -> get your orders in another google sheet. It is as simple as that.

An example of the order sheet

Check the installation video for start


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Change Log

25th April 2024

version: 1.7.0
-All packages updated to latest version 
-JWT Authentication added (google-spreadsheet) 
-Bug fix
-Documentation update

5th October 2023

version: 1.6.0
-all packages upgraded including next js

28th October 2022

version: 1.5.0

Removed deprecated image optimization config
Upgraded to the latest Next.js v12.3.1
Added next/image component in our product card
Added React v18 support
tailwindCSS v3.2.0 support provided
typescript v4.8.4 support provided
updated all third-party packages

2nd September 2022

version: 1.4.0

Fixed vercel build error.
Remove imagemin-mozpeg dev depandency.
Fixed instagram expired token issue.
Fixed package issues in medsy modern.
13th September
version: 1.4.0

1. updated all third-party packages.
2. fixed disrupted instagram API
3. removed node engines from package.json
4. added eslint support

11th Aprill
version: 1.3.0

1. updated all third party packages
2. used tailwindcss jit mode
3. changed instagram embed block
4. added some validation to avoid unwanted data issues.
5. updated documentation.
10th November
1. Added category support at medsy-modern
2. Added next/image support at medsy-classic
1 October
1. Email integration code added
2. Fixed search scrolling 
3. Some design improvement

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